TAS Automatic sludge
water discharge system

reducing sludge with a
cleaning free technology

savings calculator

Do you know how much money is slumbering in your sludge?

Calculate the possible savings of your wastewater treatment plant.

The costs for automated sludge preparation, wet removal or sludge incineration are mostly influenced by the effectiveness of the sludge thickening process. You can save considerable money by using the TAS automatic sludge water discharge system.

Calculate your possible savings quickly and individually.



Your data


daily excess sludge [m³/day]
Figure out the average daily excess sludge amount from your operations diary.

50 m³/d


% part of your sludge water [%]
The best way to determine your individual percentage of sludge water is a simple sedimentation test.

35 %


costs for sludge disposal [€/m³]
Depending on the way of sludge disposal you can figure out the costs from your invoices.

1 €/m³



The possible savings result from the improved sludge thickening process and/ or the smaller amount of sludge that needs processing. The daily amount of sludge water together with the sludge disposal costs are indicative for the potential for yearly savings.

Yearly savings potential through a targeted systematic water discharge system 6.388 €/a €/year

6.388 €/a


Please keep in mind that the savings potential was calculated based on your individual data and that the final savings can differ. In most cases the real savings are even higher as calculated above as holding times in the sludge tanks are usually significantly higher. The calculation assumes that there is currently no other way of sludge disposal.

The automatic sludge water discharge system helps to tap the potential to a maximum – fully automated and operationally safe.