TAS Automatic sludge
water discharge system

reducing sludge with a
cleaning free technology

savings calculator

Sludge water

Uncontrolled amounts of sludge water result in high costs and a reduced operational safety.

Sludge water zones in the thickener tank

Sludge thickener

During the thickening process in sludge tanks and static thickeners, thin water layers often form, which hinder an effective pre-thickening process and thus reduce the sludge content significantly.

As a consequence, the costs for further sludge treatment increase and the biological cleaning process is negatively impacted.

Frequent problems with sludge water:

  • The sludge water usually occurs at different heights and with varying densities, which means that manual removal with conventional sludge water discharge systems is only possible with a great deal of time, or sometimes not at all.
  • High sludge water content and associated low sludge proportions significantly reduce the storage capacity of the sludge tank so that the discharge of excess sludge from the biological cleaning process can often no longer be carried out.
  • Manual discharge of sludge water easily holds the risk that thin sludge is re-transported into the biological cleaning process step so that the targeted discharge values cannot be kept.

Using the TAS automatic sludge water discharge system not only resolves these issues but will also reduce costs and significantly increase the operational safety.